PATENTED intrinsically floating radar reflective fabric

It arises from the evolution of an event that occurred in 1945 during the Second World War, when the British bombed Hamburg, disorienting the radars, releasing strips of aluminum into the air. The result was the destruction of the city.

The same technique is currently used, not with aluminum strips, but with metal powder, also called bran, which released into the air in large quantities, creates real clouds (or curtains of deception) behind which to carry out the maneuvers, which are called "corridors of chaff" by confusing radar-guided missiles, deflecting them from their targets.

Hence the idea of developing a material suitable for building personal protective equipment, life rafts or life jackets with high radar reflectance, not to disorient (create false echoes) but to increase the possibility of promptly identifying shipwrecked persons by radar increasing the possibilities of rescue.

tests and test reports

UNI ISO 12402-5:2020 / 12402-9:2020 certification

CE certification (UKCA in the certification phase)

jacket compliant with UN 12402-5:2020 regulation

Venezia model with TK1FIRE Microchip

Local Police Uniform of the City of Venice Personal Protective Equipment compliant with UNI EN 12402-5/2020 buoyancy aid supply of 30 January 2024 complete with NFC Microchip Tk1fire

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